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Window screen mesh yarn should choose what kind of material is good


With the improvement of people's quality of life and the deterioration of exposed haze weather, there is an increasing demand for multi-functional screens such as environmental protection, dust prevention and anti flying. For decoration, the longer things are used, the better. No one wants to have the dust and trouble brought by decoration every day.

The core technology of the screen window is the screen mesh, which is the embodiment of the screen window cutting function. Shanghai Qingmu adopts PET material. The following is the comparison of various materials: the performance of the screen mesh materials commonly used in the market:

Properties of PET:

The scientific name of polyester is polyethylene terephthalate fiber. Polyester is an ideal textile material with good mechanical properties. Its impact strength is 3 ~ 5 times that of other films and good folding resistance.

Resistant to oil, fat, dilute acid and alkali, and most solvents.

It has excellent high and low temperature resistance. It can be used for a long time within the temperature range of 120 ℃. It can withstand 150C high temperature and - 7oc low temperature in a short time, and has little impact on its mechanical properties at high and low temperature.

High transparency, UV blocking, good gloss.

It is non-toxic, tasteless, hygienic and safe. It can be directly used in food packaging.

PP performance:

PP is a crystalline polymer. Among the commonly used plastics, PP is the lightest, and the density is only 0.91g/cm3 (smaller than water). Among general plastics, PP has the best heat resistance, and its thermal deformation temperature is 80-100 ℃, which can be boiled in boiling water. The embrittlement temperature is - 35 ℃, embrittlement will occur below - 35 ℃, and the cold resistance is poor. Polypropylene is sensitive to ultraviolet light. PP is not resistant to UV aging, so aging and decomposition will occur after UV irradiation

Performance of PE:

PE is a typical crystalline polymer with a specific gravity of 0.94g/cm3 (n less than water). It is characterized by soft, non-toxic, low price and convenient processing. Low strength and soft (commonly known as soft glue). The embrittlement temperature is - 70 ℃ C

Glass fiber properties:

Glass fiber is an inorganic non-metallic material with a wide variety. Its advantages are good insulation, strong heat resistance, good corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength, but its disadvantages are brittle and poor wear resistance. It is made of glass balls or waste glass through high-temperature melting, drawing, winding, weaving and other processes.


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